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Reggie fils a mech

A member registered Sep 03, 2018

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Thanks for explaining how I can improve how I play. I'm usually not the best at finding different approaches with a games mechanics so take what I said with a pinch of salt as I'm probably one of the only people to have these issues.

The game is confusing to control and doesn't allow you to figure them out as it drops you directly into a difficult situation.

Fun little puzzle platformer. The idea that its a file is cool. However sometimes waiting for the character to move where you want can be boring.

You move to fast so the game is hard to control. The removal of upgrades isn't used in an interesting way so it just feels like a bare bones platformer. However the combat using a shield is interesting.

Great game. Taking a concept that would seem easy to play and turning it into a challenging puzzle platformer is amazing.

Inventive game with a really cool concept however the game is hard to control with the window size.